Sorry about the late upload, out with family. This is the last LCS of the year and I have to say it has been a blast doing these fun LCS. This was about games of the present. The LCS includes, writing, reading and math.
I am a Year 5 student at PCS School in Auckland, NZ. I am in KHH and my teachers are Whaea Tamzin and Whaea Sharlee . This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first draft. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Last LCS of the year! Innovation mini steam project: 8
Friday, December 3, 2021
Innovation Mini Steam project 7: Games from the past
This is our 7th mini steam project and it is about games from the past. We learnt about calligram poems.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Innovation Mini Steam project 6
This is the 6th Mini steam project this term and its 4 more weeks until the holidays! This LCS includes my writing, reading, and math. Our challenge this week was to make a new type of transport!
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Innovation Mini Steam Project 5: Food Tech
Friday, November 12, 2021
Innovation Mini Steam Project 4 LCS
This is the 4th Mini Steam Project of this term and our challenge for this week was to make up a mini-beast. This LCS includes my writing, reading and math. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Mini Steam Project 3: Graffiti Art
Friday, October 29, 2021
Pahurehure inlet mini steam project 2: Designing a fort
This is my work for T4 W2 online learning and this weeks topic was focusing on designing a fort. This LCS includes my writing, reading and math.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Mini STEAM Project 1 Pahurehure Inlet
This is my work for T4 W1 online learning and our task was a mini Steam project.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Our Human Body T3 W10
This is my work for T3 W10 and our topic was about "Our Human Body!" This was very educational as we learnt about diabetes.
Friday, September 24, 2021
Health and Physical Education T3 W9
This is my work for T3 W9 and our topic for this week was "Health and Physical Education!"
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Sokka Woke Up As A Waterbender!? T3 W9 Writing
A Healthy Lifestyle and How To Improve It
Here is my Healthy Lifestyle DLO that me, Michael and Ayushmaan worked on together. Here are some facts and tips to improve your Healthy Lifestyle!
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Balanced Diet T3 W8 LCS
This is my online learning LCS for T3 W8 and our topic for this week was "Balanced Diet."
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
When the world became vegetarian.
This is my writing for T3 W8 and our topic to write about was if everyone in the world was vegetarian!
N.L: to narrate
RT: add key vocabulary
One fateful day, in the meadows, a livestock farmer was about to slaughter a cow for steak. Unexpectedly, the cow said in a deep demonic voice “Mortal, do not kill me. I will not withstand your foolish species. I have seen you slaughter my family. Turn into vegetarians, or else I will have to take drastic measures.” The farmer froze in surprise. He hadn’t seen anything like it. He ran away to the mayor. At first he didn’t believe him. But then once he had shown him the cow, he immediately came in contact with the prime minister. Soon the whole population heard this news and they swapped to vegetarianism. A boy named “Jimmy” was a victim of this cruel practice. Here is his sorrowful story.
I remember on the day that everyone was vegetarian, people were out of jobs. My dad was a butcher back then and he had to shut down. My mom was a stay at home mom so we didn’t earn any money. My mom and dad had to find a job quickly, but it would take a while. I was anxious about how we weren't making any money. What if we suddenly ran out of food and we couldn't afford to buy anymore. Then after that we would just starve to death, until our body rots into nothing but bones. But I'm probably overthinking it. That has a very low percentage of happening. It took one month for him to get a job. But what was really crazy was what happened in that one month. Other than the fact that we weren’t getting any income, life was fine. We had tons of food and we still had an average amount of money. We still knew we had to be vegetarian so we bought fruit and vegetables. Soon all that fruit and vegetables would be gone. Since the whole population was vegetarian the supply for fruits and vegetables was running low. I remember saying to my parents “Don’t worry! We can still eat grains and dairy products!” But due to the amount of people buying grains and dairy products, they rose up to absurd prices.
Loads of people were out of food, including my family. The average human being can survive without food for 8-21 days. If you have active water intake you can expand it to 2 months. Also with this information in mind, the fastest vegetable to grow is a radish which takes 21 days to grow. As soon as the radishes came in store the government passed them out to civilians. We were lucky enough to get our hands on some and we could eat again. But others weren’t so lucky. At this point people started to get desperate and ate any source of food which wasn’t meat. The unfortunate people started fighting for their food and at this point it was getting crazy. At that moment, I had an epiphany. What if during this moment, society was falling apart. Slowly, town by town, city by city, country by country, we were slowly falling to our inevitable doom. This alone just proves how in our last moments, people show who they truly are. It wasn’t long before they got arrested and ate food in jail. Our family decided to start our own farm and grow our own veggies and fruits with these seeds we bought from Mitre 10. We had enough radishes to last us until they grew. We figured that if a cow’s lifespan is 18-22 years then we just had to keep repeating this until he died of old age. During those 21 years, I quite enjoyed being vegetarian. I finally appreciating fruit and veggies, as those were one of the only things that kept me alive. But do you know what is better than that? A good medium rare steak.
Eventually he died and we got to eat meat again. That my friends is when the entire population of the world became vegetarian.
I enjoyed this activity because I like writing narratives.
Did you enjoy my work?
My Hua Whenua burger
This is my hua whenua burger for online learning T3 W8. Hua whenua means vege burger.
I enjoyed this activity because I learnt knew te reo words.
What would you add in your hua whenua burger?
My Healthy Plate
This is my healthy plate for the T3 W8 online learning LCS.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun making the different foods.
What would you add on your healthy plate?
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Pac-man finds out about a balanced diet. T3 W8 DLO
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Heroes VS Villains! T3 W7 LCS
This is the LCS made for online learning for T3 W7 and our topic for this week is Heroes VS Villains. I think this might be my favorite one this term!
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Deku VS Bakugou T3 W7 Writing
This is my writing for T3 W7 and our topic was Heroes VS Villains so I decided to narrate the battle between Deku and Bakugou in Volume 2 MHA.
For context:
Quirk = Superpower
One for all = Deku's Quirk
This is from Deku's point of view.
NL: To narrate
RT: precise verbs
I can’t believe it, we’re doing battle training! I’ve been preparing for this for quite some time. Ooh, here comes All Might! “Hello students of Class 1-A! Today we are doing battle training. Indoor anti-personnel battle training. The villains will be hiding a nuclear weapon in the hideout. The villains either protect the bomb until the time runs out, or capture the heroes. The heroes either have to capture the villains, or secure the nuclear weapon. We will be separated into pairs of two. Heroes and Villains.” He puts people into groups of two. I was paired with Uraraka. All Might gave each pair a letter of the alphabet. Me and Uraraka got “A” Once that was settled, he would announce who would be fighting. “The heroes are team A, the villains are team D!” It took a while for me to realize who was in team D. Tenya and Bakugou. The villain team goes in first. When the timer starts in five minutes the hero team has to sneak in. The rest of the class will watch via cctv.
I was scared. I was scared because when me and Bakugou were younger, he was always the superior one. He and his friends always bullied me for not having a quirk. I always felt like the odd one out. But now that will change. I will prove to Bakugou that I can be as cool as he is, and as strong as he is. We discussed our plan then once the timer started we snuck inside the building. I think to myself “I can’t control One for all, so we’ll have to manage with my natural strength, and Uraraka’s zero gravity quirk.” There were lots of blind corners so we had to watch out. As soon as I thought that Bakugou came from a corner and sneak attacked us. BOOM. Luckily I was fortunate enough to dodge his attack as I had only gotten a graze. He tried to right hook me, but luckily I knew better. I counter-attacked and I grabbed his right arm and threw him on the ground. I always take note of the heroes who I thought were awesome. While me and Bakugou were fighting, Uraraka went off to try to secure the weapon, to increase our chances of winning. But Tenya was a very competent defender. He took note of Uraraka’s quirk to levitate things she touched, and used it to his own advantage. He got rid of all of the objects in the room.
Time is running out and if we don’t secure the weapon in time, we will lose. But then Bakugou said something. “The sweat glands on my palms secrete stuff like nitroglycerin. That's how I make my explosions.” He’s not going to do it…. Is he? BOOOM ! Bakugou’s quirks allowed him to store that fluid to create explosions. The more he stores, the bigger the explosions. Uraraka thought that this would be a perfect time to make a move. All she had to do to secure the weapon was to touch it. She leaped over Tenya’s head and as she was about to touch the weapon, Tenya stole it right off her. Uraraka was counting on me. But Bakugou wouldn’t stop until I was dead. He kept on beating me up, he wouldn’t stop. I felt this feeling of hopelessness, that I should just give up. I will never be as good as Bakugou anyway. But there was a spark of determination. A spark that I felt, that said I should keep going. I had a plan. Uraraka’s quirk allowed her to levitate anything she touched. So I decided to do All Might’s signature attack. Detroit Smash. This would allow plenty of debris from the building to rise up above where Uraraka was and allow her to use her quirk. “DETROIT…. SMASH!!!!” The ceiling burst open, with debris everywhere. Uraraka used a super attack called “Comet Home run” and all the debris flung towards Tenya. This gave her enough time to touch the weapon.
After the battle, All Might announced that the V.I.P in this battle. It was Tenya. My classmate Momo explained why. Bakugou’s attacks were purely motivated by his hate for me. She also explained that using catastrophic attacks indoors was foolish. My performance suffered from the same faults. Uraraka lost focus halfway through the battle, and her attack was way too hazardous. She said that if it were a real nuclear weapon that attack would be unthinkable.
I enjoyed this activity because I like writing narratives.
Did you enjoy my writing?
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Should we open our borders? T3 W6 LCS
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Why we shouldn't open the borders
Here is my writing for W6 T3 and our topic is about whether we should open the border. My opinion was that we shouldn't and here is my writing to defend that statement.
NL: To persuade
RT: Add a conclusion
Should the NZ government open the borders to other countries? With what's currently happening, I don’t think so. Here are some reasons why.
First of all, we already have lots of cases. We shouldn’t open our borders because considering the state we are in, we don’t want more cases. We are getting lots and lots of new cases everyday and people coming in from other countries and then they will spread it to us, then we will spread it to everyone, repeat. Also if it is the delta variant, then it can spread to 5 people. Then those people will spread it to 5 other people which is already a total of 25 cases.
Secondly, other countries have made a mistake opening the border. The UK has opened their borders to give “freedom” to their country but it will just get rid of their freedom. Currently, have the 5th most covid cases. The government has stated that “ we shouldn’t treat Covid-19 like the flu” and that is true. Because if we do otherwise, then we’ll have double the cases we are getting everyday.
Finally, it would overwhelm all the health care workers. If we were to open our borders, there would be too many cases. Which means that hospitals will be all clogged up and the essential workers (the nurses and doctors) would be overwhelmed with how many people there are and they will overwork themselves, which is very harmful to their mental health.
Here are the reasons why we shouldn't open the border. It is just too much of a risk due to all of these unfortunate things, (which are most likely going to happen) if we open the borders.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun asking for my siblings opinion on this topic.
Should NZ open the borders?
The song when NZ opens their border.
For one of the creates on the LCS we were asked to write a song when NZ opens their border. So here's my song.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
T3W5 LCS Cultural Significance
This is my LCS (learn, create, share) for T3 W5 online learning. Our topic for this week is cultural significance. This includes my reading and math. My writing is on a seperate post.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Is Kapa Haka good for you?
This is the writing task for online learning and it was about if kapa haka was good or not. My opinion was that it was good and here is my writing to prove that.
Do you think kapa haka is good for you? If someone asked me that I would answer yes. Here is why.
First of all, kapa haka can keep you active. At school (when there wasn’t covid) we did the haka every school morning. This kept us really active because instead of just going to class and doing the roll, and doing work, we can have something to look forward to. Also sometimes Kahikatea does the haka for our brain breaks and that can help us take a break from screen time and help us keep fit during the day.
Secondly, kapa haka involves teamwork. This one is a no brainer. We all have to work together to time the takahea correctly and the chest slaps, all the actions have to be in time. Also another thing, the leaders lead the haka and we need to be on time with them otherwise it would be awkward when the leader hasn’t even spoken and then we’re already talking.
Thirdly, kapa haka incorporates music and sport. When we’re doing haka we’re singing and dancing. Kapa Haka means “group” and “dance”. When we’re doing the actions it keeps us fit. While we’re doing the actions we are singing the haka.
Finally, kapa haka is a cultural dance and it can be significant to someone. Kapa Haka is a cultural dance from around the world. It's like how Spain has Flamenco. Or India has Bhangra. New Zealand has the Haka. Flamenco can be significant to Spanish culture and the Dragon Dance significant to Chinese culture. The Haka is significant to us.
So here are my reasons why Kapa Haka is good for you. Honestly, I don’t think I can find any bad things about Kapa Haka. I think it’s just a cool thing that is significant to Māori culture.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun doing research about kapa haka. (like how kapa haka means group and dance)
What is your opinion on this?
Friday, August 20, 2021
Keeping Active During Lockdown
These are the keeping active slides that Whaea Tamzin said that we could do. I will be updating this every weekday until lockdown ends.
UPDATE: discontinued
Thank you for the journey but I am not motivated enough to update this every weekday.
Extra online work
This is the extra online work that you can do if you have finished all your work.
Why the books are better than the movie adapatations.
This is the literacy work for the extra tasks for online learning, hope you enjoy my writing.
All famous books get movie adaptations. Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, basically all of the roald dahl books, twilight, etc. But all of these movie adaptations are not as good as the books that they originally came from. Let me explain.
First of all, books are better because you can process the information that they’re giving you a lot longer. For example there might be a detective book, and you need to process all of that information in order for it to make sense when they find the criminal. As for movies, you have a limited amount of time to get all of that information in your head as fast as you can. There's no time limit for books. But it is for movies. Unless there's a sequel or it is 3 hours long.
Secondly, books make you imagine what's going on. Books are a good way to help with your imagination. The Hunger Games is a great example of this. The hunger games uses such excruciating detail and it makes you want to read it more and more. All the amazing vocabulary and adjectives that they are using really made me imagine what it would be like if I were experiencing the person's point of view.
Finally, books are better than movie adaptations because the adaptations have NO correlation with the original book whatsoever. Take Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul for example. It is the WORST movie in the series so far. But I’m not going to go on a rant about how bad it is because I need to tell you that IT MAKES NO SENSE. The movie has no correlation with the book. In the book there is no gamer Mac Digby, and there is no Player Expo. The movie probably just added it so it could be up to date with our current generation of kids. The first three movies of Diary of A Wimpy Kid were amazing. Rodrick Rules is probably one of the best movies in the entire world. But this abomination just makes me cry.
So there you have it. This is why books are better than movie adaptations. This is my point of view and my opinion so you could have your own opinion too. I strongly believe that books are better than the adaptations and here are the reasons why.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun doing persuasive writing of my choice.
What persuasive writing did you choose to do?
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Reading T3W4 Are video games good or bad?
This is my reading work and our topic for this week is "Are video games good or bad?"
Are video games good for learning at school?
This is for Writing T3 W4, and our topic for this week is are video games good for learning at school.
Since at the time I'm writing this we're in lockdown, I did this at home.
RT: Use research to back up my statements and evidence.
Are video games good or bad? We’ve all heard of that argument before. But do video games decrease our performance in school? Or does it increase? I feel like video games could increase your performance. Let's talk about that.
First of all, video games can make learning fun. Games such as Matific can make learning math more fun. Your teacher can assign you a bunch of fun and different tasks, which are essentially math minigames. They have problem solving minigames, fractions, addition, multiplication and division. They even have more advanced stuff like algebra, decimals, ratio and proportions, and many more! This app has made a huge impact on my performance in school, and even my classmates use this app. 10/10 for the learning experience and 10/10 for the enjoyability.
Secondly, video games help with memory. Researchers operated an array of memory tests and results have shown that 2 weeks of playing Super Mario ™ arise enhanced recognition memory. Also, some studies have shown that video games may even protect dementia for older adults. Memory is very important for students like me because you need to hold the information in your head long enough for us to use it.
Finally, video games can help engage young kids to play sports. When my brother was my age, he played rugby. One of the main reasons he played rugby was because of a video game. It was called Rugby 08. It taught him to play rugby via a training zone. P.E for kids is very important so that they can stay fit. This made him more enthusiastic to play sports as if playing sport on a PS2 was fun, playing it in real life would be more enjoyable.
In conclusion, video games can be useful for school. As the reasons here express, video games can help you with your performance at school. But these are only three reasons why video games can help with school. Too much video games can make you unfit and unhealthy. So you just need to find the right balance between going and being active, and playing video games.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun doing persuasive writing.
What is your opinion on this argument?
Friday, August 13, 2021
Mrs Jain STEAM rotation
This is my drawing for Mrs Jain's STEAM rotation and we were learning about the A in STEAM which is visual arts. It was based on Andy Warhol.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun doing the jumpman logo.
What did you do for this rotation?
Cybersmart Chrome Music Lab
For cybersmart we made a piece of music that best represented us.
My Poster
This is my poster for cybersmart. Mrs Cam wasn't here so Whaea Tamzin hosted it. It was about adding personal information
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Reading T3 W3 Sports: What is your point of view?
Why sports is better than music.
This is my work for T3 W3 and it was persuasive writing. It was if whether sports is better than music.
If you were to ask me, is sport better than music, I would say “Yes.” Here are some reasons why.
Firstly, playing sports may help reduce body fat. If you have a good amount of body fat it could be beneficial to your health. For example it lowers the risk of diabetes. Also if you have too much body fat it increases the risk of heart disease.
Secondly, sports helps with lots of skills. Sport teaches tenacity. Basically, if you fail in sport, or you make a mistake, you can learn from it. If you learn from your mistakes it can help you become a better player. Also, another skill that sport teaches you is teamwork. Plenty of sports are team sports and it helps with teamwork. For example, in netball, you’re always passing the ball to each other to get it to the other side of the court so that you can get the goal. Also in rugby, you keep passing the rugby ball to the other side of the field so you can score the try.
Thirdly, sports can help with depression. Doing exercise regularly can help with depression. Studies have shown that doing exercise releases feel good endorphins, natural cannabis-like chemicals and other natural brain chemicals that can improve your sense of well-being.
Finally, sports can help with social skills. Through sport you can meet other people that have the same hobbies as you. You can interact with them and develop social skills. This is important because for example if you were having a job interview, you already developed social skills to talk confidently. But if you hadn’t then you would probably stutter a lot and you would be very shy.
These are the reasons why I enjoy sports more than music. But honestly, I like both a lot. I just enjoy sports more.
Friday, August 6, 2021
Tetsuro Araki
Cybersmart - Fixing comments to make a quality blog comment.
For cybersmart me and my buddy Ayushmaan (link to his blog at the end) fixed some comments to make a quality blog comment, and we are showing you the most improved.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun fixing up the comments.
How would you fix up me and Ayushmaans comment we made?
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Our Manu Tukutuku
For the steam rotation, we were at Whaea Sharlees STEAM station and we made a Manu Tukutuku. Our group consisted of me, Michael, Marcus and, Ayushmaan. I will link their blogs at the end.
Reading T3 W2 I have something to say!
This is my reading work for this week and I liked it because I got to make a poster about Human rights.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
I have something to say! Writing T3 W2
This is my writing for this week, and we got to write a letter to someone about what they want to change. I wrote to the Rainbows End CEO (Karen Crabb) about adding more rides to Rainbows End.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Reading T3 W1
This is my reading work for T3 W1 and our topic for this week was zoos or wild!
T3 W1 Writing Why I think Zoos are bad.
Here is my writing for T3 W1 and we had to persuade someone into thinking whether zoos are good or bad.
RT: Use research to extend my ideas and use evidence.
Zoos are places where you can see animals, and learn about them. A place where endangered species can breed and be safe. But what if I told you that the animals in zoos are in a dangerous place. It’s time that I unravel the truth about zoos, and why I’m against them.
Firstly, mental problems of captive animals in zoos show signs of mental instability, as a result of boredom. The term “Zoochosis”, refers to the psychological problems that affect animals and usually results in repetitive behavior. For example, at the Berlin Zoo, the lions pace back and forth in their cages.
Secondly, when captive animals are released into the wild by zoos, they usually die. Most large carnivores usually die when released into the wild. The reason behind this is because they haven’t developed the natural skills to survive; they were raised at the zoo.
Finally, animals are trapped in unnatural environments. Some zoos have cages that are confined, having little space for the animals. For example, in the Berlin Zoo, the lions have dark concrete rooms as cages. They have a tree stump but other than that, that’s it. Also another thing is that zoos are not like the animal’s natural habitat.
In conclusion, zoos are bad. In zoos, the animals look fun, contented, playful. But really, they could be mentally ill. That's why I strongly believe that zoos are bad.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun looking at different perspectives of the argument.
What is your opinion on this argument?
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
This is a information poster about frogs that me and my friends made. Links to their blogs will be at the end.
Thursday, July 8, 2021
My first encounter with a kitsune.
This is my writing for W10 T2 and its about me encountering a kitsune in Japan.
RT: Use keywords.
NL:To Paragraph
For the school holidays, me and my family went overseas to Japan. We landed in the Tokyo airport, then we took the train to our hotel. We were exhausted due to jet lag so for the first day in Japan we just slept. The next day something unexpected happened.
I decided to go for a walk by myself. I started to get tired so I took a shortcut home using a mysterious alleyway. There was a guy in a hoodie standing there .I walked him thinking nothing about it when suddenly I heard a rustling sound behind me. I looked behind me. The man that was previously there has now disappeared. But the weird thing was that when I turned back he reappeared as a kitsune.
It had sharp, deadly claws, nine long tails, and it looked like a fox. The calm walking had turned into running for my dear life. I sprinted towards the hotel which was just a few blocks away. I barged through the doors and the kitsune shortly followed. The place soon caught on fire due to the ability of the kitsune to generate fire. I barged into the room and thanks to the help of Google I knew how to defeat the kitsune. Me and my family grabbed the sharpest scissors and knives. The way to defeat the kitsune is to chop off all nine tails because one of them is the main source of power. SO we approached the kitsune and we cut off all the tails. My brother and dad held it down while my mum, my two sisters and I cut off the tails. We immediately evacuated the building because the kitsune set it on fire. THE END?
Minecraft Bathroom
So with Mrs P we made a bathroom in minecraft. I made a toilet, a shower and a bathtub! Hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Folklore creatures from around the world W10 T2 LCS
This is my reading work for W10 T2 and the topic is folklore creatures from around the world.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Shownight Mix-up
This is my writing task for T2 W9 and this story is a narrative.
RT: Use keywords.
It was shownight day. After weeks of practicing it had come to this day. I hopped into my mum's car and we drove off to school. It took about 5 minutes until we arrived at the school gate. I made my way to class to find out that no one was there.
The lights were on and the class wasn’t locked. I entered the class. CREEK. Dead silence. All I could was the fluorescent lights buzzing. “Hello? Anyone there?” I asked. No response. It was unsettling. For a second I thought I was dreaming. So I slapped my face really hard, and it turns out I wasn’t dreaming and it turns out I wasn’t dreaming and I just slapped myself in the face really hard. So there really wasn’t anyone in the class. I checked the Kauri Hub, no one was there. I checked Room 9. No one was there. To make a long story short I checked all the classes and there was no one there. I thought to myself. “ Hmmm, there's something off.. I just can’t figure out what. It’s showtime but there's no in the classrooms. Also the classrooms look different than before.” So I decided to walk over to the auditorium. I checked if there's anyone there. No one except my mum. “Mum, there's something wrong here.” Mum responded with “Yeah, isn’t there supposed to be a show? I paid money to watch this!” Then someone passed the auditorium. It was the janitor. But it wasn’t Trevor. It was someone else. “HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” Mr Janitor exclaimed. Mum responded. “Isn't there supposed to be a show here!?” “No but Papakura Central School has a show though.”
Me and my mum looked at each other in disbelief. “So youre saying that-” “This is Papakura Normal School.” So me and my mum hopped into the car and we zoomed back to school. Luckily they were just about to line up for La La La. I changed into my black clothes and then we absolutely demolished the show.
Around the world dance show LCS
So in this LCS, there is my reading and maths.
SlidesMania Board game
So with Mrs P we made a board game using a slidesmania template! Our board game was based on the sneetches. This was really fun because aince we are very privileged we got to experience slidemania!
Have you read the sneetches before?
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Scorpion Ninja Story
This is my narrative about Scorpion Ninja for W8 T2 writing.
RT: To use key words about the topic in follow up sentences.
NL: To paragraph.
Everyone thought Hyun was just an ordinary boy, but secretly he had the skills of a ninja and a venomous scorpion tail. One particular day, these strange features would come in handy.The day seemed like any typical day. Get changed, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, go to school. But this crazy mad engineer would change the day, from typical, to odd. Meanwhile back at school: The teacher was teaching how to add fractions and Hyun was super bored in class. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. “BOOM.” Then it grew louder. “BOOM.” “BOOM.” Soon enough, the teacher looked out the window to investigate. His face went pale. The expression on his face was hard to explain. The class looked out to see a colossal robot.
The whole class was confused. Hyun knew that something fishy was going on. Who was doing this? Why were they doing this? Hyun departed to the door. He was going to get to the bottom of this. The teacher called 111 to take down this humongous robot. The police arrive in packs, some in helicopters. They are gunning the robot down but it has not affected it. The robot has a weak spot, but just where is it? Hyun is now out of school and he is trying to locate the scoundrel behind all of this. Luckily, scorpions have an excellent sense of smell. But in order for him to track him, he needs a scent. So Hyun looks around to find something that has the villain's scent. The massive robot is wreaking havoc around town. The police are buying time for Hyun, enough time for him to find goggles. Hyun can’t tell if it is the villain’s goggles, but it's worth a shot.
He follows the scent, across the street, around the block, into the prak, and into an alleyway. It leads to a wall. Hyun is confused. He knocks on the bricks and you guessed it, a hidden door opens. He enters, and sees a 5’4 tall man wearing overalls, and goggles, looking at a screen. On the screen was the perspective of the enormous robot. On his desk were presumably controls for the robot. Hyun threw kunais and shurikens at the criminal, hitting the sleeves and pinning him against the wall. He pointed his scorpion tail at the criminal and interrogated him. “Why are you doing this!?” Hyun shouted. We’ll just call the criminal Guy for now. Guy responded with “I don't know.” Hyun replied “Ok, fair enough, now tell me how to deactivate the robot.” “Just press that button.” Guy said. Hyun pressed it. Soon all the noise in the background faded. Hyun alerted authorities, and they sentenced Guy to life in jail. The reason for this was because the massive robot caused $1,000,000,000 worth of damage.
The MLG squad returns.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun creating the picture.
Did you enjoy my story?
W8 T2 2021 Reading
Here is my reading work for Week 8 and our topic was my mutant superhero.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Bhangra Facts LCS
So for our topic for this term is Bhangra and we are doing a Bhangra dance. So we are doing a Bhangra information report.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Pumpkin soup food review
So for Kiribati language week we tried a Kiribati dish which was pumpkin soup with coconut cream.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Kiribati Brochure
So this week was Kiribati Language week so I did a brochure.
I enjoyed this activity because I learnt about Kiribati.Song Maker Chrome Music Lab
This is my piece of music, for art rotation at Mr Wards classroom. My music is supposed to sound like a main menu theme from a video game.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
So we did a poem with Mrs P for writing so here is my poem.
I am crazy about pepperoni pizza.
I am addicted to flamin’ hot cheetos.
I never tire of grocery shopping with my mum.
I can sleep for the whole day when I stay up all night.
I wear all sorts of hoodies and basketball shorts.
I love to play handball and basketball.
I like playing board games with my family.
I love to play video games.
Quality Blog Post Tutorial
For cybersmart this week I made a screencastify explaining how to make a quality blog post.
Reading W7 T2
Bank Heist Writing Week 7 T2
1989 Russia: 12:00am Somewhere in Moscow
Thursday, June 10, 2021
My Digital Footprint
So we did cybersmart challenge 13 and we were learning to make a poster about our digital footprint.
I enjoyed this activity because I learnt about a digital footprint.
Have you done a poster about a digital footprint before?
Sports day
This is my writing about sports day, and the sport I chose was netball, so I am recounting in one of the games.
For context, in netball there are three positions. Attack, center and defense.
We were versus St Marys, and I think it was our third or fourth game. I was out for the first half. I could see the nervousness on my teammates' faces, as we were a point behind, and the end of the first half was nearing. St Marys were in the lead so far, as they had a very tall player. They had a very tall player. They had a huge advantage. But we have skill, strategy. But it was no use, they kept passing, and my team couldn’t keep up with them. The first half was over and we were losing hope. I stepped on court for the second half, determined to avenge my team. The referee blew the whistle. We were better in the second half. We were passing left and right. I wasn’t used to center, I was mostly defense, so I stepped in the 3 pointer field goal by accident. St Mary's attack people were good, but we were too fast for them. I passed to our team's attack, I got to the other side of the court, and they passed back to me. Then I passed to our team's other attack. For no confusion, I’m going to say attack 1 and attack 2. So if you didn’t get it the first time. Attack 1 passed to me, then I passed to attack 2. Attack 2 took the shot. Boom, a point. It was their center's pass this time but our defense was amazing and easily stole the ball off the other team. We got a point, but they followed after. It was a close game. But then, the referee blew the whistle. We had lost. But then the referee said we had won. 2-3. The conclusion is that miracles happen in the second half.
I enjoyed this activity because I enjoy doing recounts.
What sports do you play?
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
W6 T2 Reading Family & Friends
This is our reading work for W6 T2 and our topic for reading this week is family & friends.
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Escaping the Prison
So I made this Henry Stickmin based game because I was bored. Press the right arrow key to see the animation and when options show up on screen click one of them and press the right arrow key to see the outcome. Only one of them will be the right one so choose wisely. Best played on full screen.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Pani popo food review
Friday, June 4, 2021
Fairy profile
So in our hub we were reading this book called fairies of kawakawa and Whaea Sharlee said we could make fairies and make a profile for our fairy.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun making the fairy. |
Samoa information report
This is my writing for T2 W5 and our topic for this week is Samoan language week so I did an information report on Samoa.
Samoa is a polynesian island , located in oceania. It consists of two main islands.
Some traditional Samoan foods include Pani Popo and Fa’ausi. Pani Popo are bread rolls baked in coconut sauce. Fa’ausi is Fa'apapa (baked coconut bread) and luscious and savory coconut caramel sauce.
Samoans are very dignified people. Samoans are very proud of their culture, heritage and traditions. Local transportation in Samoa is very normal. You have taxis, buses, boats and other stuff.
Samoas climate is tropical. It has high temperatures. It has little changes in weather. But the heaviest rainfall occurs between November and April.
Samoan culture include: Faith, family, and music. A communal way of living, wherein all activities are performed in groups. Houses without boundaries or walls, and families staying together.
I enjoyed this activity because I learnt some new things about Samoa.
Are you Samoan?
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Reading T2 W5
This is my reading work for T2 W5 and our topic for this week is Samoan language week.
Friday, May 28, 2021
For arts rotation we were doing tivaevae, so here is my tivaevae.
Reading T2 W4
This is my reading work for T2 W4, our topic is identity.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Cybersmart Challenge #9
This is cybersmart challenge #9 and we were doing a blog post makeover.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
My culture
This terms topic is about identity so this week I did and information report about my culture, identity etc.
I am Filipino, but I was born in NZ. Therefore I am from NZ but my ethnicity is Filipino.
My other siblings were born in the Philippines, while I was born in NZ. They grew up there but in 2008 my older brother, 9 and my two older sisters, 7 and 11, moved to NZ.
I’m not just Filipino, I’m also chinese and spanish. Spanish comes from my mom's side, and chinese comes from my dad's side. My dad's grandparents of chinese and my mom's grandparents are spanish.
Most of my relatives live in the Philippines, in Cebu. They live in Cordova, Mabolo, Santander, Bohol and some other places. While others live in the USA, and Australia.
A cultural thing we do in the Philippines is the sinulog festival. It’s a traditional celebration held every third Sunday of January. It is celebrated in Cebu City to honor Senor Santo Niño.
I enjoyed this activity because its cool to share your ethnicity/nationality with other people.
What is your ethnicity?
Friday, May 21, 2021
Maths DLO
We were learning to find the perimeter and area of a shape.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Online Profile
This is my online profile for cybersmart.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
T2 W3 reading
Airbending information report
This is my week 3 writing, my writing is an information report about airbending.
R.T: Use adverbs - say HOW - loud, fast, quiet etc...
Airbenders obtain the capability to manipulate the air currents around them. Airbenders can deal catastrophic attacks to their opponents, but they prefer to approach with a more defensive approach, which can be shifty movement. One of the airbenders tactics are avoid and evade, only using attacks for defense purposes. The first airbenders were the flying bison, in which they use their huge tails to generate immense gusts of wind to propel themselves in the air. One of the abilities of an airbender include: Enhanced agility. Agility is a common trait to have as an airbender. It makes it hard for opponents to get a good hit on an airbender due to their consistent movements. Their weaknesses have to be that they lack fatal moves. Airbending is a more defensive element due to their pacifist nature. They try to avoid assault as much as conceivable. There are no known subskills of airbending, unlike the other elements. When you have mastered airbending, you will get tattoos of blue arrows on your body, just like the flying bison.
Friday, May 14, 2021
This is my writing about my hobby.
My hobby is drawing. Either or painting, sketching, or doing random doodles. Doing random doodles is the one I do most often. I usually just draw random cartoon characters. Sketching is art I take seriously. I usually sketch a random object, specifically a 3D object. One time I sketched my house. The only thing I’ve painted so far is Pikachu with a santa hat. Another type of drawing/art is animation. Animation is basically a moving image. Animation is commonly done on a computer. Making an animation is very simple. For example if you are making an animation about a snake, and its slithering around, you add a frame, draw a snake, add another frame, shift the position of the snake you drew, and repeat. And there you’ve got a snake. Sorry if i didn’t explain it in a manner you can understand. You can just watch a tutorial on youtube. Fun fact: Did you know that art used to be an olympic event?
T2 W2 reading
This is my reading work and our topic was hobbies.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
T2 W1 reading
This is my reading and we were learning about jobs.
Zookeeper writing
This is my writing and its about the daily basis of a zookeeper and what skills are required to be one.
Purpose: Report.
Audience: Whaea Tamzin.
RT: Use adverbs.
The daily basis of a zookeeper consists of cleaning the animals, and taking care of the exhibit and the animals. They feed the animals, and make sure they have an active diet. They also are in charge of managing medication. They also report unusual behaviors to the managers / veterinarians. They keep records of the animals. The qualifications you need to have in order to become a zookeeper, you need to have a basic understanding of animal biology and how to take care of animals. You need to have skill in caring and handling animals. They control pests and other rodents that might sneak into the exhibit. They provide fun activities for the animals. They are also tour guides for people visiting the zoo. You need a bachelor's degree in any field affiliated with animal administration such as, biology, zoology, zoo technology etc. Not only do zookeepers observe the animals behavioral problems, they also observe health issues. For example, they might be sick, or they might have a severe cut.
I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what a daily basis of a zookeeper is.
What job do you want to have?
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
A:TLA intro animation
Heres this animation I made for fun. Hope you like it. I used wick editor to animate this. I didnt know how to do the air effect at the end so it looks a bit weird.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Features of a community.
This is my topic, and we were learning about features of a community.
Papakura Past present future LCS
This is my LCS about Papakuras past present and future.
My soundscape
This my soundscape for week 10 reading.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
ANZAC facts
This is my ANZAC poster, for Week 10 writing.
Friday, April 9, 2021
Monster writing.
This is my monster description and narrative for this week.
I’m gonna be describing a new creature I have discovered. It’s called the “Ravencorn.” It has a cheetah body with black polka-dots. It can go from speeds of 80-130 km/h. Also it has majestic raven wings giving the Ravencorn the ability to fly. The raven wings are black and the feathers are very soft. A unicorn horn can also be found on the forehead of the Ravencorn. The unicorn horn is very sparkly and shiny, so that you can see your reflection. Ravencorns are very smart, decisive, and cunning. The Ravencorns are native to the forest, but the forest burnt down in a forest fire. The damage done to the forest is immeasurable. Luckily, the Ravencorn made it out successfully, but there is one problem. Where will he go? He flies up to get a better view of the scenery. A few miles away he sees a savanna. He gets down and uses his speed to get there. How will he adapt to the new habitat? First he’ll need shelter. There's a cave in his sight and he decides to stay there. Next he needs a food supply. He sees a small antelope, so he sneaks up behind it and he eats it. Food, check. Then he looks for a water source. He spots a lake in his peripheral and he takes a gulp of water from the lake. Water, check. But there's one thing. How will he hide from his enemies? The Ravencorn is very fast and agile. It can easily zoom in the slender grass. Now the Ravencorn has fully adapted to the lifestyle in the savanna.
I enjoyed to do this writing because we got to make a monster.
What animals would you combine together to make a monster?
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Week 8 & 9 Reading
Friday, March 26, 2021
Change LCS
Our topic for this week was about change in PCS.
If I was the president of class.
This is my writing task for this week, my NL is to describe what I see.
If I was the president of the class I would throw pizza parties for everyone, and if they don’t like pizza we can have fried chicken. We can have candy like gummy bears or if you don’t like gelatin based candy, then we will have M&Ms. I will expand the duration of lunch time to 1hr 30min to 3 hours. And there will be less work. But people can choose what subjects they want. Another addition to the day would be to have more brain breaks during the day. Since some people are vegetarian we can have some vegetarian stuff for them. Also when it’s free time on Friday, we can watch Youtube. Yeah, that's all the things I would do.
Red is crossing out a word
Green is adding a word.
If i was the president of the class I will throw pizza parties for everyone in the class and if they dont like pizza we can have fried chicken we can have candy like gummy bears or if you dont like gelatin based candy then we can have M&Ms
If I was the president of the class I would throw pizza parties for everyone in the class and if they don’t like pizza we can have fried chicken. We can have candy gummy bears or if you don’t like gelatin based candy then we can have M&Ms.
This activity was fun because we learnt how to edit which will be useful.
What would you do if you were the president of class?
Week 7 Reading
This my reading for week 7 and our NL for this week was figuring out unknown words using context clues or root words.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Houses LCS
This is my LCS and we were learning to understand symbolism by using images to create a meaningful design.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Week 6 reading
I took a peek outside the window...
Hello, this is my space writing and my RT is to share the characters emotion.
Aliens arent real, right? Wrong. Aliens are real. You’re probably thinking “This guy is insane.” No, I thought I was too. But I saw an alien with my very own eyes. It all started when NASA assigned me to go and research weird sound waves the satellites captured from space and they could not trace it because they did not have the right technology. So me and my crew put on our spacesuits and the staff showed us to our rocketship. It was massive and it was nice in the interior, so me and my crew were launched into space. We got out our satellite dish and we managed to get some intel on the mysterious sound waves. We traced the sound waves and it was coming from an unknown planet and it was in the solar system but it wasn’t in the Sun’s orbit. We flew for 2 days until we reached the planet. When we got there, my jaw dropped to the ground. It was a civilization just like Earth. It had a fort made of clay and huts made out of clay. But then I forgot to control the rocket. We entered the atmosphere of the planet… BOOM. Our rocket broke as we hit the ground. Next thing I remember I was on a hospital bed with this alien doctor. “ W-where am I?” I exclaimed. He spoke a different language. “ What happened to the rocketship?” I wondered. I burst out of the bed and me and my crew checked the damage on the rocketship. It was massive. I looked at my crew and they shook their heads. Our oxygen tanks were gonna run out soon in a few days and we could’ve refilled it in the rocket but it's destroyed! The aliens were sad for us. I had lost hope. But the aliens had expert mechanics and they knew how to build everything including rocket ships! They just needed the materials. They mined out some aerospace grade aluminium and some titanium to build the rocket. And when it was finished we were amazed. The exterior was shiny, clean, polished and it was very neat. The interior was luxurious and it had a white couch and velvet pillows. So we thanked the aliens for saving our lives and we went back to Earth.
Imagine being stuck in space with nothing to do about it?
What would you do if you were in that situation?
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Environmental Changes LCS
Here is my work for distance learning Week 4, I hope you enjoy!
Friday, February 26, 2021
Role Model
Hello this is my slides for topic, and our topic about Role Models.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Garden Kai writing.
Hello here is my garden kai writing. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, February 19, 2021
Garden Recipe
Passion project
Hi my name is Nicholas and this is my passion project, hope you enjoy.
School harvest
So we did a Learn create share about our gardens vegetables and we are going to make a dish with them.