MLG squad vs Godzilla
In a city very far away there was a big scaly, big and bad Dragon. He was named Godzilla. But deep in the city there were 5 heros, Peppa pig, Flying pig, Troll face, Lego Emmet, and Sans. There were called the MLG squad.
One day there was a roar in the city of Vancouver there was a “ROAR!” Godzilla has come.After being defeated for years by the MLG squad he will not lose again. So grew long sharp claws and long legs and arms. And he made sure he was the most ferocious monster in history! At that moment he began terrorizing the city and breaking down buildings. He began making tsunamis by stomping in the circular ocean. When he was about to make a tsunami in a flash the MLG squad held his leg and Flying pig flew him to land. But Godzilla was not giving up now. He was filled with determination but lost it quickly when Peppa pig grew wings and a halo. He was terrified. But he wouldn’t let them win. He quickly grabbed the leader Sans. But Sans got a gaster blaster and quickly clicked to blast the laser. Godzilla dropped Sans and flying pig quickly healing Sans. Troll face got revenge by doing jokes on Godzilla which slowly weakened him. But luckily Peppa pig was smart so she transferred her knowledge to Troll face’s brain. Suddenly Troll face was weakening Godzilla with logic and knowledge. Finally Peppa pig did the final attack laser shot at Godzilla. Everyone was clapping for the MLG squad and the got the trophy for saving the day the most in Vancouver. The End
Do what do you think about my story?