
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Reading T3 W1

 This is my reading work for T3 W1 and our topic for this week was zoos or wild!

I enjoyed this activity because it was fun making the habitat for monkeys!
Did you enjoy my work?r

T3 W1 Writing Why I think Zoos are bad.

 Here is my writing for T3 W1 and we had to persuade someone into thinking whether zoos are good or bad.

RT: Use research to extend my ideas and use evidence.

Zoos are places where you can see animals, and learn about them. A place where endangered species can breed and be safe. But what if I told you that the animals in zoos are in a dangerous place. It’s time that I unravel the truth  about zoos, and why I’m against them.

Firstly, mental problems of captive animals in zoos show signs of mental instability, as a result of boredom. The term “Zoochosis”, refers to the psychological problems that affect animals and usually results in repetitive behavior. For example, at the Berlin Zoo, the lions pace back and forth in their cages.

Secondly, when captive animals are released  into the wild by zoos, they usually die. Most large carnivores usually die when released into the wild. The reason behind this is because they haven’t developed the natural skills to survive; they were raised at the zoo.

Finally, animals are trapped in unnatural environments. Some zoos have cages that are confined, having little space for the animals. For example, in the Berlin Zoo, the lions have dark concrete rooms as cages. They have a tree stump but other than that, that’s it. Also another thing is that zoos are not like the animal’s natural habitat.

In conclusion, zoos are bad. In zoos, the animals look fun, contented, playful. But really, they could be mentally ill. That's why I strongly believe that zoos are bad.

I enjoyed this activity because it was fun looking at different perspectives of the argument.

What is your opinion on this argument? 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


This is a information poster about frogs that me and my friends made. Links to their blogs will be at the end.

I enjoyed this activity because I enjoyed learning about frogs.
What do you know about frogs?

Thursday, July 8, 2021

My first encounter with a kitsune.

 This is my writing for W10 T2 and its about me encountering a kitsune in Japan.

RT: Use keywords.

NL:To Paragraph

For the school holidays, me and my family went overseas to Japan. We landed in the Tokyo airport, then we took the train to our hotel. We were exhausted due to jet lag so for the first day in Japan we just slept. The next day something unexpected happened.  

 I decided to go for a walk by myself. I started to get tired so I took a shortcut home using a mysterious alleyway. There was a guy in a hoodie standing there .I walked him thinking nothing about it when suddenly I heard a rustling sound behind me. I looked behind me. The man that was previously there has now disappeared.  But the weird thing was  that when I turned back he reappeared as a kitsune. 

It had sharp, deadly claws, nine long tails, and it looked like a fox. The calm walking had turned into running for my dear life. I sprinted towards the hotel which was just a few blocks away. I barged through the doors and the kitsune shortly followed. The place soon caught on fire due to the ability of the kitsune to generate fire. I barged into the room and thanks to the help of Google I knew how to defeat the kitsune. Me and my family grabbed the sharpest scissors and knives. The way to defeat the kitsune is to chop off all nine tails because one of them is the main source of power. SO we approached the kitsune and we cut off all the tails. My brother and dad held it down while my mum, my two sisters and I cut off the tails. We immediately evacuated the building because the kitsune set it on fire. THE END?

I enjoyed this activity because I enjoy writing narratives.
Did you enjoy my work?

Minecraft Bathroom

 So with Mrs P we made a bathroom in minecraft. I made a toilet, a shower and a bathtub! Hope you enjoy!

I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to have a minecraft related school task!
Have you made a bathroom in minecraft before?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Folklore creatures from around the world W10 T2 LCS

 This is my reading work for W10 T2 and the topic is folklore creatures from around the world.

I enjoyed this activity because it was fun learning about different creatures from different countries.
What is your favorite folklore creature?

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Shownight Mix-up

This is my writing task for T2 W9 and this story is a narrative.

RT: Use keywords.


It was shownight day. After weeks of practicing it had come to this day. I hopped into my mum's car and we drove off to school. It took about 5 minutes until we arrived at the school gate. I made my way to class to find out that no one was there. 


The lights were on and the class wasn’t locked. I entered the class. CREEK. Dead silence. All I could was the fluorescent lights buzzing. “Hello? Anyone there?” I asked. No response. It was unsettling. For a second I thought I was dreaming. So I slapped my face really hard, and it turns out I wasn’t dreaming and it turns out I wasn’t dreaming and I just slapped myself in the face really hard. So there really wasn’t anyone in the class. I checked the Kauri Hub, no one was there. I checked Room 9. No one was there. To make a long story short I checked all the classes and there was no one there. I thought to myself. “ Hmmm, there's something off.. I just can’t figure out what. It’s showtime but there's no in the classrooms. Also the classrooms look different than before.” So I decided to walk over to the auditorium. I checked if there's anyone there. No one except my mum. “Mum, there's something wrong here.” Mum responded with “Yeah, isn’t there supposed to be a show? I paid money to watch this!” Then someone passed the auditorium. It was the janitor. But it wasn’t Trevor. It was someone else. “HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” Mr Janitor exclaimed. Mum responded. “Isn't there supposed to be a show here!?” “No but Papakura Central School has a show though.”


Me and my mum looked at each other in disbelief. “So youre saying that-” “This is Papakura Normal School.” So me and my mum hopped into the car and we zoomed back to school. Luckily they were just about to line up for La La La. I changed into my black clothes and then we absolutely demolished the show.

I enjoyed this activity because it was fun writing the narrative.
Did you enjoy my work?

Around the world dance show LCS

 So in this LCS, there is my reading and maths.

I enjoyed this activity because most of the subjects were in the LCS.
What dance are you preforming?

SlidesMania Board game

 So with Mrs P we made a board game using a slidesmania template! Our board game was based on the sneetches. This was really fun because aince we are very privileged we got to experience slidemania!

Have you read the sneetches before?